Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Owl Parliament

A group of owls sits perched on the edge of an old, moss covered bird bath. Representing several species, they seem to be holding a council or meeting of some sort. As it is fall, perhaps they have met to discuss the coming winter. There is a great grey owl, a great horned owl, and a snowy owl. They are flanked by two smaller barn owls. Each of them is subtly reflected in the still waters of the bird bath. All of the owls look back at, you, the viewer. Around them, the old twisted oaks have begun to shed their leaves for the autumn, yet the trunks are still covered in a deep green moss. Meanwhile a subtle mist drifts through the forest foliage.

For this work, I wanted to present a rather mysterious scene featuring some of the owl models I've sculpted over the past few months. As predators, I find that owls can, in some ways, be a bit creepy. So in order to emphasize this, I made them all staring back at the viewer, as if you have just interrupted their meeting. But I also like the idea that they are having some sort of council of the wise (as owls are a symbol of wisdom).

For the environment, I wanted an intense but unusual palette of colors. So I picked orange and green to dominate the scene and give it a surreal sense.

Thanks for looking!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Galloping Mustangs

Three mustangs race across the grassy plains of the American West. On a cool November day, clouds drift through the cold blue skies over grass that has turned yellow and brown. Despite the chill in the air, these three wild paint horses kick up dust as they gallop freely across the prairie with the wind in their manes.

For this work, I was inspired by Edgar Degas's work "Jockeys in the Rain" which I once saw in person (though I can't remember at which museum). I liked the way the composition emphasized directionality of the riders and horses. I wanted to make a similar equine work, but I wanted a much more energetic scene featuring three very active horses (and no people), something more befitting of the American Wild West. I made the composition roughly in the shape of an arrow pointing to the right to emphasize the speed, motion, and direction of the animals as they cut through frame.

I created this image using CGI technology and digital painting techniques.

Thanks for looking!
Daniel Eskridge

Monday, November 3, 2014

The Windigo's Remains

A giant skull covered in moss lies on its side in a dense, misty forest. A path in the woods goes right through it's mouth. On this path, a woman in a short fur shawl rides a pale horse with a black mane and tail towards the skull. She appears to have stopped through, awed by the site of the massive skeletal remains of the giant that are before her.

Giants occur quite often in Native American folklore. One of the most well known is the Windigo, also call Wintiko, Kee-wakw, and Chenoo among others. From story to story they vary in sized and appearance, but can sometimes be very large. Generally they are said have once been human but transformed into monsters as they turned to cannablism. Sometimes they are incased in skin made from ice or stone. Another recurring legend about them is that their original human form in encased within the giant's heart.

I didn't really have a particular story or legend in mind when I planned out this image in my mind. I just had this concept of a giant skull resting in the woods. I added the girl on horseback more for a sense of scale, then made the scene vary foggy to give it a mystical quality.

Thanks for looking,

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Serenading The Fall

A woman in a light brown, floral-patterned dress sits on some large grey boulders on the banks at a bend in a river playing a lute. It's autumn and the trees are alive will bright fall colors: red, yellow, and orange. These are reflected in the waters of the wide lazy river. Yet it is still early enough in the season that the grass beneath the flame colored trees is still a vibrant green. Overhead, thick puffy clouds drive in a deep blue sky.

The musician strums her lute as she plays a gentle tune to reflect the mood of the warm, lazy autumn day.

The autumn is my favorite time of year. I have created a lot of artworks with a fall environment, but for this one I wanted much more intense colors and a crisp. So, I used a much cleaner atmosphere than my usual somewhat misty backgrounds.

Thanks for looking,

Monday, October 27, 2014


A small blue and purple feathered microraptor sits on a fallen tree in a dense Cretaceous era forest. It looks to the left to show its head in profile as is perches on the log. Its tail curves slightly in the same direction, show off its bright plumage. The twisted trunk of the down tree is covered with moss and shelf fungus. Ferns carpet the primeval forest floor as rays of sunlight cut through the thick green canopy above.

The microraptor was one of the smallest of dinosaurs. It was covered in feathers had wings on both it's arms and legs. It is one of the most commonly found fossils.

I decided to go a little wild with the coloring of this little dino. Originally, I had him in various shades of brown, but he didn't seem eye catching enough. So, I decided blue and purple would really make this fella stand out. After all, many birds have bright and intricate feather patterns, why couldn't a prehistoric cousin not have the same?

Thanks for looking!
Daniel Eskridge

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Lone Wolf

A lone gray wolf stands atop a pile of snow covered boulders. Seen in profile, this alert hunter looks across a wintry landscape in the North American wilderness. He stands next to a twisted old oak tree almost as if he is guarding its gnarled trunk. A few fir trees can be seen in the distance and dark clouds fill the winter skies.

This is a lone wolf. Lone wolves are wolves who, for some reason or another, don't run with a pack. The concept of the lone wolf has come to stand as symbol for people who do things as an individual rather than as part of a group.

This is the latest addition to my wolf themed series of artworks. For this one, I wanted to create a proud looking wolf standing tall on a natural pedestal, not just any lone wolf, but the epitome of one. I used a vertical format with a very low horizon line to give him a heroic look. Just to add a bit of visual interest and to break up the sky, I added the gnarled old tree, but I made it as such that it makes the wolf appear to be gigantic.

Thanks for looking,

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Introvert Artist

I've just started my new blog The Introvert Artist where I tell you how I go about selling art online. I've gotten pretty good at selling prints via print on demand services and I see no reason not to share some my tips and techniques.

So enjoy everybody!