Monday, September 29, 2014

Night Warrior

An American Indian warrior kneels by a camp fire with his knife in one hand and his other over the fire. His face is painted and he looks at the you, the viewer, as if you were expected. He wears leather leggings and his shoulders are draped in the furry hide of a bear. Behind the Native American man, thousands of stars fill the sky.

I rarely make night scenes, but a recent commission I had required me to do one. I created this image largely to practice night time lighting, but I liked it so much that I decided to go ahead and publish it to my gallery.

Thanks for looking,

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Three allosauruses kick up dust as they hunt along a rocky track created by the passage of large dinosaurs. Deep green plants line the sides of the trail, while a conifer forest dominates the background. Overhead clouds drift through the blue prehistoric skies.

The allosaurus was a theropod dinosaur from the Jurrassic period. Some paleontologists theorize that Allosaurs were pack hunters, so I though it might be fun to depict a trio of the creatures on the hunt for this latest addition to my paleoart series.

Thanks for looking!
Daniel Eskridge

Friday, September 19, 2014

Autumn Pegasus

A winged horse lands on the banks of a shallow rocky river, splashing water into the autumn air. This is not your usual pegasus though. Rather than the pure white coat one would expect to see on this popular mythological creature, this fantasy beast has taken on some of the colors of the season. In response to the fall foliage of the trees that line the lake, this fantasy steed looks more like a winged paint horse with patches of rich bronze breaking up the white. Meanwhile its mane and tail have turned a deep brown.

Having been over a month since I last added to my fantasy art series, I felt it was time for a new one. Also, it will officially be fall in a few days with the autumn equinox falling on September 23rd this year. So, I decided to create an autumn themed fantasy artwork.

Thanks for looking!
Daniel Eskridge

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A Wolf in Autumn

A grey wolf stands in tall yellow grass. Behind it is a forest bright with the colors of fall. The wolf looks directly at the viewer with a calm expression on its face.

I get lots of requests for wolves, but for some reason they tend to have given me trouble in the past. I almost always wound up throwing out any wolf themed art that I made. Most of the time, it was because I didn't like the coat. A wolf's fur patterns are very distinctive and if you get it wrong, it just doesn't look like a wolf. A few weeks ago though, I decided to fix that and paint a new wolf coat for my models. This is the result. I rather like the way it turned out.

Thanks for looking!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Farewell to Summer

A grizzly bear sits atop a grassy hill looking down upon the shores of a sparkling blue lake. Clouds drift lazily in the hazy blue sky. Below, the forest that lines the shore has a few trees beginning to change color as the autumn approaches. The bear sits and enjoys one of the last days of summer, relaxing one last time before it starts to prepare its den for the winter hibernation.

As it is mid-september and the summer is getting on here in North Georgia, I wanted to create image themed to match the season.

Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Neoclassical Fall

A woman in a flowery dress reclines on a stone pedestal. The pedestal, carved with intricate patterns, rests on a stone terrace next to two urns and overlooks forested hills that stretch into the distance. The hills are bright with red, yellow, and orange leaves of the fall foliage A single gnarled oak tree grows next to the pedestal. Its leaves too are bright with autumn color and a few of them have fallen the the ground around the reclining girl.

For this artwork, I wanted to go for a neoclassical style. The woman has a rather formal pose as if she is posing for a portrait. Also, she is surrounded by sculpted stone elements emphasizing strong linear forms. At the same time though, I wanted have an explosion of warm colors, so I set this in an autumn environment.

Thanks for looking,

Thursday, September 4, 2014


An octopus with an almost red and pink marbled skin moves among brown coral in an ocean shallow. The creatures tentacles whip around as it scuttles through the aquatic landscaped. The cephalapod turns its menacing gace upon you as moves towards you.

This is the latest in my aquatic creature series depicting undersea life. A few weeks ago, I published "Warriors of the Primeval Sea" ( ) which featured an octopus battleing it out with a plesiosaur. I like the way the octopus looked so much that I decided to make this work featuring him alone.

Thanks for looking,

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


A school of Ichthyosaurs swims over a bed of seaweed in the Jurassic seas. Though they may look like dolphins, they are, in fact, reptiles, and they swam the oceans in the time of the dinosaurs. The particular species depicted here is stenopterygius, very similar in appearance to the ichthyosaurus, for which the order is named. Stenopterygius, though, was about twice as big overall, but with a proportionally smaller head and flippers.

Thanks for looking,